Thursday, November 20, 2008

My current favorite Christmas song... Little Drummer Boy.

Sure, nearly half of the lyrics consist of "pah", "rum", or "pum," but the whole idea that we don't have any great "things" to offer our Lord rings so true.

So what should we do? In LDB's case, he decided that he would play his drum for Him. But did he just play half-heartedly? Did he just play a lame song? Nope. He played his best.

Go play your best for Him.

Oh yes, here is the current rendition I'm semi-addicted to. It is by The Almost, and has drum kit, acoustic guitar, and bass. His voice is sort of "emo" sometimes, but I'm digging it.


blythe said...

haha "LDB."


and, fun blog. :]

I am Christina. said...

I would highly recommend Forestry's version of "LDB" because... just because.