Sunday, November 16, 2008

I once had a xanga...

I used to have a xanga so that I would be able to find old friends online. This was before the time of myspace and facebook, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I had a xanga and felt funny making little posts here and there.

I think I've always been against having a blog for myself, although I get a lot of simple joy out of reading other people's blogs. I think I was afraid of appearing prideful, like, "hey, everyone wants to know what I think."

Then I got over myself.

"That's a silly way to think of it," I thought. I had a lot of fun writing for my high school newspaper (the PC beat, word), and I like seeing what other friends are up to, so maybe it wouldn't be all bad to make a little blog. In fact, it could be fun! Maybe we'll relate on some things, even. (I love relating to things with people, or, if not relating, learning)

So, I made this blog. The title is familiar to five iron frenzy fans, but it is one of my favorite songs ever. You should listen to it. Wow. (I could make a whole other post just about that song, maybe) Anyway, I think I'll 'blog' about things I learn (because you learn something new every day, I hear), stories of things that happen during the day (everyone creates a new little story for each day), or music or the Anaheim Ducks, or whatever. (Don't worry, I know a lot of people won't really be into the Ducks ones, but that'll just be for my own enjoyment. It's 2-0 Ducks right now.)

I guess that's all for the introduction.

It is rather fun to write.

1 comment:

I am Christina. said...

Welcome to the blogging community Donny! I once had a xanga too...