Friday, November 21, 2008

Girls sports, people vs. activity, and BBQ sauce...

Yesterday, we had our final day of Girls Soccer try-outs. In my time spent with the girls team, I noticed that girls are much more encouraging on the athletic field. This may just by my experience at SGCS; but the mood, in general, is much more light-hearted and pleasant, but still with a competitive edge. Go figure.

Yesterday, I also played pick-up basketball with some guys from my church, which is an every-other-week event. I don't like basketball, really. I don't have a lot of fun in the actual act of playing the sport. However, I go to play because my desire to spend time with these guys outweighs my dislike for playing basketball.

Today, one of my students spilled BBQ sauce on my shoulder. He spilled sauce on the locker room floor the other day as well. I like BBQ sauce on some things, but I don't like it on my floor, or especially my shoulder. Things I would like on my shoulder: a Parrot with a really extensive vocabulary, maybe some good-smelling flowers, a small chimpanzee, a lemur, a nice shirt, any amount of dollars, a never-melting big stick popsicle.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

yay big stick popsicles!!!!!

thanks for the suggestion---- let me know how it is!