Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Matching. Music.

We had free dress day the other day, a monthly event here at the school I work at. There is a 6th grader named Johnathan who shares the same passion and fervor for the Anaheim Ducks as I do. We figured out we have a lot of the same t-shirts/jerseys, so we've decided to match for the next few free dress days. Here are some evidences...

I'm standing kind of weird.

We even had the same ducks shirt underneath. We're so cool right now.

Also, my roommate Chad helped me install these cd holders in my room. We got them from ikea, and if you hang them vertically, they are dvd holders.

I've also been writing a lot of lyrics for my friends band I'm starting to sing with. So, that's been fun lately.


Tim said...

did you both get the shirt from the kids fan club you're in?

Donny said...

Yeah, that's last year's Wild Wingers Kid's Club t-shirt. (w/ Kunitz 14 on the back)