I had a late night and an early morning, and I knew we'd be driving ALLLLLL day on Monday.

Here I am during my 4.5 hour driving shift. Chad drove 5 hours before my shift, and 5 or 6 after.

We were finally able to find Justin at the Ashley Inn, where Santa also lives sometimes. Note: Justin looks really, really small because he is standing further from the camera.

Here we are about to pay to go on a legit tubing run. They have this little "lift" that pulls you and your tube to the top of the hill, so you don't get all tired from hiking. At this point in time, my sambas were not providing adaquate warmth for my toes, which maybe why my face looked like such.

This is Justin on the "lift."

This is Justin's dad, Cliff, displaying the proper form and etiquette in tubing.
A few minutes later, I would run into my high school Bible teacher, Mr. Johnson.

Here, Justin informs us on how to properly play Wii, and why Boise State is such a good school.

I did my best to use those Wii controllers, but soon after this photo was taken, Chad informed me they had to turn the system on first.

Here is Justin boxing in pajamas, one of the many great things about the Wii.

Chad got sick, and was barely able to stay alive. This was when he was considering pulling the plug. But he persevered, and even played Wii golf from his couch.

Justin had to teach his little neice to ride her new Christmas gift.

Chad and I made video updates for our journey. I'll try to get some of them on here someday, maybe.

Chad and I also learned about the story behind "Donner Pass," and drove through it while it snowed.

Hooray for Idaho!
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