I had the opportunity to be an asst. coach with the flag football team, but this is my first time as the go-to coach.
Here are a few pictures from the flag football days:

Today, however, I was boss, and I had a great time with my team. Due to our poor field condition, we let the girls soccer team (of which I am also asst. coach) have the whole field, and me and my boys took a run to Smith Park, about a mile away. All of my players had already run 2 miles that day in P.E. (harsh teacher, eh?), so they were going to run 2 more, as well as more fitness drills to condition for the soccer season. We had a lot of fun doing squats, stretches, Herbies (suicides, lines, latters, whatever you wanna call 'em), push-ups, wall-sits, and sprints.
Now my legs feel kind of like jelly. But I was very proud of the Bulldogs Football Club (BFC) on their first day. I am very excited to have this time to be with them, and to really focus on playing our best for the glory of God. That is the reason we play, it is the reason I coach, it is the reason we all live: for the glory of God. So our team will focus on that aspect and how that reflects on the field in our sportsmanship, attitudes, and efforts. One thing that always bugs me is when great Christian guys become jerks out on the athletic field, and then play it off like they are just being 'competitive.' It's one thing to try hard and play your best, but it's another thing to harbor thoughts of hatred and enmity against the opponent and try and hurt them. Then, you're not 'playing' sports anymore, you're losing self-control. This is a big topic to talk about, and a really great book that addresses a lot these topics is "Game Day for the Glory of God" by Stephen Altrogge. It's a guy from Sovereign Grace Ministries (C.J. Mahaney, Josh McDowell, Bob Kauflin), and it's legit.

If you are an athlete, or just like to watch and follow sports, this is a great book that relates the glory of God to sports. I think I often fail to remember that sports can, in fact, bring glory to God, if we do it right. There are other times where can totally make fools of ourselves with our attitudes on the field, or even watching a sporting event.
All that to say, BFC is off to a great start, and I will update you on the team and our games (when they start in mid-January).
That is all.
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